Monday, 18 January 2021 15:42 112
Category: Tenders and auctions

Providing the possibility of registering a change in the status of the contract

Informs all esteemed users of the government's electronic procurement system; In order to perform legal duties in accordance with Article 50 of the Law on Permanent Provisions of the Country Development Plans, it was possible to change the status of contracts concluded for various types of transactions, including amendment, accession, termination, cancellation and termination in the e-procurement system.

Providing the possibility of registering a change in the status of the contract

Informs all esteemed users of the government's e-procurement system; In order to perform legal duties in accordance with Article 50 of the Law on Permanent Provisions of the Country Development Plans, it was possible to change the status of contracts concluded for various types of transactions, including amendment, accession, termination, cancellation and termination in the e-procurement system. (Relevant guide documents are available in the system training section)