Clients guide

Dear client:

Ease of access to the services of Saman Saman government organization in the three sectors of industry, mining and trade, inspection, knowledge of the type of service and how to receive it through the relevant departments are of great importance. For this purpose, it is recommended to study and study the following before doing anything:

  • Familiarity with the duties of the ministry
  • Familiarity with device services
  • Familiarity with the list of electronic organizational services and processes
  • Refer to subdivisions of the organization
  • Click on the title of the service provided and receive the expected service according to the study:

- How to do the required service work

- Relevant service rules and regulations

- Documents required to receive the service

- Place of service

For any problem, question or inquiry regarding how to receive the service, you can contact the service desk experts of this organization at 021-8926.