Education and Research Center

Head of Education, Research and Technology : Ali Faraji

Phone: 88554477-021

E-mail : faraji@saman360.com


  • Study and study in order to identify the specific research needs of the province in coordination with the deputies and managements of Saman Saman government organization.
  • Conducting referral studies and researches by Saman Saman government organization and other national executive bodies, preferably with outsourcing approach to qualified centers.
  • Leading and conducting studies and research, technology and foresight at the level of executive bodies with emphasis on maximizing the use of available resources (and research institutes, etc.) to solve the problems of the province within the framework of policies communicated by the Saman and Saman government organizations .
  • Cooperation with the Center for Education and Research, Development and Foresight at the national level.
  • Cooperation and educational and research partnership with the deputies and managements of Saman Saman government organization, including the deputies of management development and human resources, technical and executive management, specialized associations and experts of the province and the provincial supervisory council in developing long-term and medium-term and short-term development plans. And land management studies of the province and administrative transformation programs and human resource management and technical and executive affairs and .....
  • Efforts to attract the cooperation of experts and scientific thinkers in the province and the country.
  • Presenting the results of the research to the Saman government organization and the country and other applicant institutions or organizations in order to use the research results.
  • Study and study of in-service training needs of employees and managers of government and public agencies located in Saman Saman government organization (according to the needs of the province) and proposal for their approval and implementation after notification by the head of Saman Saman government organization
  • Planning and implementation of human resources empowerment of government and public agencies subject to paragraph 5 of the Civil Service Management Law through in-service training of employees of executive agencies based in the province and evaluation of courses and implementation of policies and training policies for their employees based on policies announced by Organization and Center for Education and Research, Development and Foresight of the country.
  • Planning and implementation of annual short-term training programs in the field of training system for managers of executive bodies based in the province.
  • Planning and implementation of annual short-term training programs in the field of vocational and cultural and social education.
  • Planning and implementing annual short-term training programs in the field of training to justify the employment of new employees.
  • Reviewing, approving and supervising private centers and institutions applying to hold in-service trainings for government employees in the province within the framework of the communication policies of the Management and Planning Organization of the country (validation).
  • Cooperation in evaluation, effectiveness of training courses with the executive organs of the province.
  • Submitting a proposal in order to modify and review the content and chapter of the approved training courses to the relevant authorities and proposing new courses required by the province.
  • Cooperation with licensed non-governmental organizations in the field of certification of outsourced training courses and the possibility of interaction and use of hardware and software facilities of these institutions in holding in-service courses for employees of executive bodies based on mutual understandings.
  • Supervise the proper implementation of training courses while serving employees and announce the result to the relevant authorities.
  • Action to attract capable professors to teach in short-term training courses and create a database of professors in the province.
  • Submitting proposals and cooperating in conducting roundtables, seminars and special gatherings of the province at the national level with the relevant authorities and conducting roundtables, seminars and scientific and research gatherings of the province by notifying the head of the management and planning organization of the province
  • Prepare and submit the required reports of the Management and Planning Organization of the country regarding training and empowerment of human resources and applied research
  • Supervise the proper implementation of all educational programs and activities (while serving government employees) and ongoing research.