Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is a Certificate of Discovery?

    Discovery Certificate: A certificate issued by the Ministry in the name of the holder of the exploration license after the completion of the exploration operation and the discovery of the ore.

  • What is an engineering technical license?

    Engineering technical license: It is a license that is issued by the organization to the applicants after the expert examinations in case of fulfilling the conditions and obtaining the necessary points according to the provisions of the instructions.

  • What is a mining license?

    Mineral exploitation license: It is a license issued by the Ministry for the extraction of minerals in certain areas in the name of natural or legal persons.

  • What is a business card?

    A business card is a license that the holder of, whether a natural person or a legal entity, can use to trade in the field of import and export of goods. To register and receive this card, you must go to, apply online or follow the work steps through the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture of the province.

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