Upstream rules

In this report, we intend to make a brief reference to the set of regulations governing these organizations, including upstream laws and other approved regulations.

Development organizations can be defined for a specific field or industry or for an industry complex with limited geographical coverage, regional or large. It is clear that given the role that governments consider for these organizations in the national economy, their operations depend on the general budget of the government, which shows that government financial support for these organizations is a condition for the survival and proper operation of these organizations.
With this explanation, we will enumerate the relevant regulations:
Article 152 of the Fifth Development Plan Law provides for these organizations: The government is allowed to strengthen development organizations by making the necessary amendments to the articles of association and regulations governing them and removing barriers to industrial and mining investment with the approach of mobility, efficiency, self-reliance and risk-taking. (Risk) took legal action in accordance with the approvals of the Cabinet and in compliance with the law on the implementation of general policies of Article 44 of the Constitution.
This article aims to reform the structure of development organizations for dynamic activities in the industrial and mining sectors. Based on this, it has mentioned the following steps and processes.

  • Amendment of the statutes of these organizations
  • Removing barriers to industrial and mining investment
  • Creating an approach to mobility, efficiency, self-reliance and risk-taking

A basic and essential prerequisite for the implementation of this development plan is the identification of the main obstacles to investment, including laws and regulations or procedures of implementing agencies.
Development organizations can have different functions, taking into account the public space governing the country's economy; However, the general purpose of the formation of these institutions is to strengthen the business support system in various economic fields, from a source to provide resources to a consultant and expert to solve the problems of different economic units, depending on the choice of each of these functions. What approach do governments take given their economic situation?