Code of Ethics

As servants we have a commitment:

  • Let us always consider God to be in charge of our actions.
  • Be secretive, conscientious and honest, and protect the rights and privacy of others.
  • In all decisions and actions, we must consider the general policies of the system.
  • Put mobility and dynamism at the forefront of our behavior.
  • Be law-abiding and moderate, and avoid haste, haste, and stubbornness.
  • Avoid confusing clients with guidance and providing necessary and complete information.
  • By observing fairness and non-discrimination, we should respect public opinion and provide the necessary services to the client, far from personal tastes.
  • Act according to the rules and regulations.
  • Put discipline at the forefront of everything
  • We respect the right of the people to access information and to make the transparency of information the basis of our actions.
  • Let's try to provide better services to our clients with flexibility, kindness and respect.
  • Avoid any manifestations of corruption such as advice, discrimination, use of position, bribery, etc.
  • In planning and design, help the organization to achieve its goals through its scientific and professional ability.
  • Keep our promises to the client.
  • Treat your colleagues and clients with kindness and sobriety.
  • Help the organization with our constructive suggestions.
  • Assume the maintenance of office supplies and equipment and the saving of facilities.

We expect you as a client:

  • Present your request to the relevant experts clearly and without any ambiguity
  • Be patient when visiting.
  • Do not put yourself and the organization in trouble by following the administrative hierarchy to perform services.
  • If you see any inappropriate behavior or illegal request to the public relations, notify the Secretariat of the Client Honor Plan located on the twelfth floor.
  • After finishing your work in this organization, if you wish, complete the questionnaire form that will be provided at the place of arrangement.