Provincial Planning and Development Council

Meeting time:

Sundays 7:30 to 9:30


Mr. Hamidi
Mr. Bakhtiari
Mr. Karami
Mr. Ghayuri
Mr. Besharatian

Task Description:

The purpose of forming this council is to approve the strategic document and its amendments, and to approve the annual IT plan and budget, and to present and review the summary progress report of the plans, as well as the annual report on the progress of the IT development plan. Also, the outsourcing and referral processes are specified in this council, such as approving the project implementation proposal, approving the job referral documents, selecting the executor and concluding the contract. Other processes specified in this council are operational supervision processes, which include project plan approval, approval. The program includes monitoring, approving project products, auditing project processes, submitting periodic project progress reports, and modifying / extending / canceling contracts.

Meeting time:

tailored to the needs and issues to be addressed


Chairman of the Board and CEO (Chief of Staff)
Administrative and Financial Deputy (Secretary of Staff)
Member of the Board and Technical Deputy (Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee)
Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy of Plan and Program (Chairman of the Research, Research and Advertising Committee)
Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman of the Committee for Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil)
Member of the Board of Directors (Chairman of the Administrative, Financial and Budget Committee)
Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs and International Affairs (Member of the Disciplinary Committee)
Director of Security (Member of the Disciplinary Committee)
Basij Commander (Member of Disciplinary Committee)
Director of Public Relations (Member of the Research and Advertising Committee)
Deputy Director of Security (member of the Research and Propaganda Committee)
Self-sacrificing colleague (member of the Research and Propaganda Committee)
Advisor to the CEO on the affairs of the martyrs (member of the committee for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil)
Program and Budget Manager (Member of Administrative, Financial and Budget Committee)
Director of Administrative Affairs (Member of the Administrative, Finance and Budget Committee)
Advisor to the CEO and Management Performance Evaluation and Complaints Response (Member of the Administrative, Financial and Budget Committee)

Meeting time:

Councils and working groups